Hello/ Goodbye (Waves)

Hello lovely people. 🙂 I know I haven’t posted in a while (work has been kicking my boo-tay), but I am back to share a poem with you all! Lately I’ve been dealing with a lot of things with different people. Situations that have been more emotionally upsetting than anything. I’m a pretty optimistic person.ContinueContinue reading “Hello/ Goodbye (Waves)”

Maturity is the New Black: Keep Yo Heart 3 Stacks…

I remember how the ages of 21 and 22 were all about how many guys were texting me and asking me out and telling me how beautiful I was. Those were the ages when I built a lot of my self-confidence off of how many men desired me. Every since I can remember, my momContinueContinue reading “Maturity is the New Black: Keep Yo Heart 3 Stacks…”